Sunday, 13 May 2012

Bikram Yoga

In the 1970's, Bikram Choudhury developed a style of yoga that has become the most progressive form of yoga all around the world. it incorporates hatha yoga poses into a 90 minute class of 26 poses and 2 breathinge exercises. The classes are ideally practiced in a heated room (40.6°C) with 40% humidity.

Bikram Choudhury practiced yoga since childhood. He was severely injured in a weight-lifting accident when he was seventeen which left his knee badly injured. Doctors told him that he would never be able to walk again. He however continued to practice yoga, 6 months later his knee was totally healed.

Ambro /
The Sequence
1. Standing Deep Breathing
Standing Series
2. Half Moon Pose with hand to feet
3. Chair Pose
4. Eagle Pose
5. Standing Head to Knee
6. Standing Bow Pulling Pose
7. Balancing Stick
8. Standing Separate Leg Stretching
9. Triangle Pose
10. Standing Separate Leg with Head to Knee
11. Mountain Pose
12. Toe Stand

Floor Series
13. Corpse Pose
14. Wind Removing Pose
15. Cobra Pose
16. Locust Pose
17. Full Locust Pose
18. Bow Pose
19. Fixed Firm Pose
20. Half Tortoise  Pose
21. Camel Pose
22. Rabbit Pose
23/24. Head to Knee with Stretching Pose
25. Spine Twisting Pose
26. Blowing in Firm

Each Pose is performed twice (Except No. 25) and is held between 10 seconds and 90 seconds.

The positive effects of yoga are widespread. Danesh et al (2011) showed that from the research that is available, hatha yoga and its poses have significant effect on decreasing pain levels in people suffering with chronic low back pain. In a study by Hewitt et al 2011, 8 weeks of bikram yoga improved mindfulness, perceived stress, cardiorespiratory endurance, flexibility and balance.
Possible side-effects (Specific to Bikram Yoga):
- Dehydration
- Hyperthermia
These side effects are specific to Bikram Yoga due to the temperature of the room that it is practiced in.As with any form of stretching and exercise, we need to be aware of our limits and know when to stop. Competition is not a part of yoga and can become dangerous.

Danesh H, Serban S, Herrera J 2011 Yoga as an intervention for Low Back Pain. Topics in Pain Management 27(5)
Hewitt ZL, Ransdell LB, Gao Y, Petlichkoff LM, Lucas SM 2011 An Examination of the effectiveness of an 8-week Bikram Yoga Program on Mindfulness, Perceived stress and Physical fitness. Jounral of exercise science and fitness. 9(2)

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